Life Recovery and Transformation School!


“In many ways, this is a superhero story that everyone needs to hear! Too often we go through life trying to ignore our shortcomings, seeing vulnerability as a weakness, but Ksenia's example reminds us what real strength is all about. This book brings you into a life radically turned around, encompassed in the love of God! It is a beautiful reminder of the extent to which God desires to bring his children (weak, revolting, and selfish) into his secure, humble, and selfless love. May the Gospel shining brightly in the life of Ksenia remind us that God became man to call us back from our sin and may we always remember that this is His work in this world!”

Fr. Alex Mackoul

Hi, I’m Ksenia K.

I am an Author, Blogger, and Life Recovery and Transformation Coach! And I'm here to teach you everything I know!

After many years of dysfunction, hurt, and struggle, I decided to stop the generational cycle of chaos and become completely physically sober, in addition to seeking emotional sobriety and health. My newly found mission is to inspire mothers and fathers alike to look back to their family histories, recognize, acknowledge, and face anything that might negatively affect their own children and work on putting a stop to it, so that the future generations can grow up mentally and emotionally healthier and have happy and fulfilling lives.